Birth is a normal natural function of your body. It doesn't have to be scary or traumatic. In fact, birth can be beautiful, peaceful and comfortable. Founded by Marie Mongan, HypnoBirthing teaches that a normal healthy mom can have a normal natural birth without a lot of fuss. Whether you decide to birth at home, hospital or birth center HypnoBirthing will enable you to take control of your birth story.
During the 5 week series of classes you will
Class participants receive the "HypnoBirthing the Mongan Method" book and downloadable relaxation MP3's, a special supplemental handout and relaxation scripts, birth prompts, hypnosis/relaxation sessions and on call access to Wendy before during and after birth via talk, text or chat. Classes sizes are limited to six couples and are taught in Fort Myers in my home or the homes of a participant if necessary. A class series consists of 5 classes which are each 2 1/2 hours long. These classes are taught over a five week period.
Classes generally run every 6 weeks. Plan to book your class in your 2nd trimester if possible. Tuition for you and your companiion is $500.
Clara's Story
"Thank you Wendy for your teachings!!!! Our delivery was smooth, painless and very fast!!!! I started with contractions around 2:20 am, a few every 30’min, then 20, then 15, 10, by 5 am I was having them every 5 min. I got in to triage at 6:15 and labor room 7:10. Santi came into this world at 7:58. No complications, all natural (besides abx, but only 40 min because of my time). I actually enjoyed labor. Working with it was much better than the contractions before hand."
Jackie K
"Wendy I just wanted to thank you again for everything you did for us. I couldn’t have done this without you and the amazing, beautiful way you teach mothers to birth. I felt so at ease before going into this and as difficult as it was, I really felt prepared for whatever came my way. You are a blessing and I’m so grateful God put you in my path." ❤️
You will be happy with your birth too! You'll meet other parents on the same journey you are and make new friends who might just become "old friends"!
Want a natural birth but have no idea what that means or where to start? Click here toget your free guide.